The project was to net, count and sort Males from Females placing them in on stream collection pens; eventually collecting eggs and sperm for hatchery use releasing the parent fish back into the home stream environment.
Fish Of The Day
Dog Sitting & Fishin
Last weekend while bent over flipping rocks looking for bugs this little guy snuck up on me and scared the crap out of me. We were on the Weber river in Oakley kind of far from any ranches. I felt this little guy was lost. Good thing he had tags. I called the owner and told them where we were fishing on a voice mail. An hour of so later we heard some dude yelling for his dog. Then the pup ran off. No thank you but our reward is knowing the dog made it back home. Im thinking this is the first time the pup has seen a fish. Kind of fun being a dog owner for a short time.
Wyoming Fish Hunting
A bunch of the Brighton Anglers hit up the Green River for a mans weekend fishing trip. It was full of beer drinking and fish catching good times. It was a fun trip full of amazing scenery and all kinds of deer, antelope, cows, raccoons, bald eagles and other wildlife playing in and around the river. Pretty awesome experience. Enjoy the mega post of photos.
Thats it. Thanks for viewing.
Still Catching Hogs At The Green
Green River Fishing Update
We spent a couple of days on the Green River in Wyoming this week. I love that place. We started with a full day float and then realized its better to wade. So we floated to the good zones and got off the boats then caught some hogs. It was well worth the trip. The hot flies were Platte River Spiders and Red or Orange Zebra Midges. We caught Rainbows, Browns, Cutts of course White fish and a random Lake Trout. I would suggest you make the trip. Fish On!
Caught some good hatches
Utah Summer Fishing In April
We had an exciting day on the river yesterday. Normally at this time of year fishermen in Utah are trying to avoid the winter run off and thinking about fishing reservoirs as the ice melts off. But with the weird Utah winter and weather lately we already were wet wadding and fishing caddis flies and hoppers. Makes me really excited for the months to come.