Deschutes Fishing

Oregon Fly Fishing Deschutes River

While driving home from a work conference in Mt Hood Oregon I went on a solo fly fishing adventure. I knew the Salmon Fly hatch was moving up the Deschutes so I headed South to Warm Springs. I arrived to find plenty of bugs but also plenty of fly fisherman too. I wasn't the only one looking to get some big bug action. I didn't let the crowds get me down. I booted up and tied on a tan Chernobyl Ant and figured I would see if I could find me a fish. Right off the bat I got a few misses. This bummed me out. Then while swapping flies I saw a fish rise in less than a foot of water. While not expecting much I casted that way and within seconds fish on. It was  a 20" or so Red Side. It was a beast, he ran down stream almost to my backing. I did the best I could to not over play him but he was to much of a match for me and got away. Thinking this may be my only chance at a good fish all weekend I was upset. This meant beer time. While drinking a beer and going over how I blew it I decided to walk even further down stream and look for a new zone. I found a good looking run that I could wade out to and get a good back cast. I didn't see any surface action but figured I would go to work. After a few casts fish on. It was a little guy but still got the stink off me. I was back in the game. I fished this zone and ended up hooking 4 reds out of the one hole. The best fish was a 18" football. Each one of those fish were little firecrackers. They had some much power for their size. I had a lot of fun. I was getting hungry so I decided to head back to the truck for a snack. While walking back to the truck I notice all kinds of trucks showing up to camp and fish. I didn't want to leave but figured Saturday was going to be a junk show. I decided I would do some exploring. I headed South East towards the Owyhee River. To be continued...