Last week we were fishing and Bryan hooked in to this 21" lunker of a Brown. What a amazing fish. We all were stoked for Bry. We took a few pics and then let the fish get back to its business. Then two days later I was fishing the exact same hole fishing a similar fly and technique as Bryan. I hooked into a fish and after getting it in the net we were looking the fish over and noticed it had the exact same scares as the fish Bryan had caught. I always look at fish with scares and feel bad. This time I was kind of stoked because we knew this guy. This is a great example of why I don't keep fish. I like to let them go to get bigger and give other anglers the opportunity to catch the same fish.
Owyhee River Fish & Camp Trip
Each year we try to at least make one trip to Southern Oregon to hit up the Owyhee river. There's a 11 mile stretch of hungry Brown Trout infested water. The Browns in this section are the most picky fish I have ever fished for. But they are all large and they like to eat. So once you figure it out you're in for a good time. We really enjoy fishing this river because you sight fish. We wait and watch for fish and cast dry flies to them. It's challenging because these fish know whats up. So you tippet down and change flies often to find the one that a particular fish will eat. The challenge is worth it when you pull in a 18" brown caught with a size 22 midge using 6X tippet. This area does get a fair amount of pressure from fisherman so when fishing expect to see plenty of other fisherman. Be respectable and wait your turn. The fish aren't going anywhere and they seem to come back very quick. We don't cover a lot of water we change-up more and keep catching fish out of the same holes. Here's a few pics from our adventure. Fish On!
Deschutes River Fishing Report
Mouse, JP and I hit up the Deschutes River last week while at MT Hood for a work conference. We were hoping the big bugs were out and the fish were keying in on them. When we showed up to Maupin we couldn't be more pleased to hear from the guys at the Deschutes Anglers Fly Shop that the bugs are everywhere and the fish are looking up. We talked a little shop and picked up a few flies in exchange for some local knowledge then went on our way down stream. The day started off well seeing fish jumping during the time we were setting up our gear. We were excited and scurried down the path to the river to give it a go. With in a few minuets JP had a strike and a miss. Then a few minutes later I hooked in to my first bow of the day. I fished that same run for about an hour and picked up a handful of fish. It was so much fun. Even a 14" fish is a fight and will give you a run for your money. I then headed up-stream to catch up with JP and Mouse to hear they both had similar success. At that point I was stoked and knew the day was going to be epic. We fished until the sun went down. We caught a fair amount of fish and missed a handful too. In all it was well worth the trip and each one of us couldn't have asked a better adventure. Enjoy the pics.
Weekend Fishing Update
We have been hitting up the Provo River a bit lately. Its been cold but fish are staying active. We've found success in the morning on little brown and green streamers. Then as the day goes on we move to fishing the top water with little black midges and bwo flies. The Blue Wing hatch isn't here quiet yet but any day now. I would suggest running a peasant tail nymph as a point fly under your dry and you may increase your numbers. Have fun and take the time to look around you might see some wild life.
Cold Weekend On The Green River
Fishy Weekend
Fish Of The Day! Training Grounds
Wyoming Fish Hunting
A bunch of the Brighton Anglers hit up the Green River for a mans weekend fishing trip. It was full of beer drinking and fish catching good times. It was a fun trip full of amazing scenery and all kinds of deer, antelope, cows, raccoons, bald eagles and other wildlife playing in and around the river. Pretty awesome experience. Enjoy the mega post of photos.
Thats it. Thanks for viewing.
Jeep'n And Fishing
Tip Of The Week! Spot Check Castle Lake
Temps are crazy hot in Utah. So a few of us decided to head to the Uinta National Forest. This place is known for hundreds of lakes full of hungry trout. The trick is to find one all to yourself. I had a good hunch where we could find one. Castle Peak and Lake. We hit this zone a lot in the winter on our snowmobiles and I was excited to see what it looked like without any snow. After an hour of 4X4ing we found the trailhead and camp spot. Good sign with you don't see any other cars at the end of the road. After about a mile hike we were at the lake. We were stoked to arrive and not see any other people and to see fish rising. We quickly set up our rods and it was on. Sight fishing to fish you see near the shore or rising fish out in the lake. We caught Brooke's, Cutt's and Tiger trout. After walking around the whole lake we decided to hike a little further and head up to the peak and check out the view. It was well worth it. The view was spectacular. Nicole and I shared a beer and then decided to head back to camp to grab some food. This was a fun zone and I would recommend you checking it out. But don't just trust google maps. I think there are a few lakes in the Uintas named Castle Lake. Have fun exploring.
2 Foot Long Rainbow
A few of us hit up the Weber River behind Bryan's house on Sunday. Right of the get go we were in to fish. It seamed like fish were everywhere. We couldn't have asked for a better fishing conditions. I was pretty stoked thinking I pulled off another " Utah Grand Slam" day of fishing. (Utah Grand Slam is when you catch 4 or more species of trout in one day) We were catching 14"-18" Cutts, Brooks, Bows and Browns with an occasional White Fish. Then I hooked in to this pig. It gave me one heck of a fight. I wasn't thinking I was going to get into fish this size so I only brought my 2wt with 6x tippet. After the first few runs I was thinking there's no way I'm going to be able to pull this guy in. It ran me up and down the river. I really regretted not having my net. After working her until there was no more fight in her I was able to scoop her up into my chest and hold on for life. I handed off my rod and removed the fly from its mouth and tried to keep a hold of this beast. She still had some fight left in her and didn't want to get her photo taken. We all had a good laugh and got some photos then put her back in the water. Within a couple of seconds of being placed back in the water she was gone. We fished for a few more hours, caught some more fish and finished off the day with some beers at the car. One of the best days fishing in my life!
Idaho Dirtbiking & Fishing
Fish of the day
Oregon Fly Fishing Deschutes River
While driving home from a work conference in Mt Hood Oregon I went on a solo fly fishing adventure. I knew the Salmon Fly hatch was moving up the Deschutes so I headed South to Warm Springs. I arrived to find plenty of bugs but also plenty of fly fisherman too. I wasn't the only one looking to get some big bug action. I didn't let the crowds get me down. I booted up and tied on a tan Chernobyl Ant and figured I would see if I could find me a fish. Right off the bat I got a few misses. This bummed me out. Then while swapping flies I saw a fish rise in less than a foot of water. While not expecting much I casted that way and within seconds fish on. It was a 20" or so Red Side. It was a beast, he ran down stream almost to my backing. I did the best I could to not over play him but he was to much of a match for me and got away. Thinking this may be my only chance at a good fish all weekend I was upset. This meant beer time. While drinking a beer and going over how I blew it I decided to walk even further down stream and look for a new zone. I found a good looking run that I could wade out to and get a good back cast. I didn't see any surface action but figured I would go to work. After a few casts fish on. It was a little guy but still got the stink off me. I was back in the game. I fished this zone and ended up hooking 4 reds out of the one hole. The best fish was a 18" football. Each one of those fish were little firecrackers. They had some much power for their size. I had a lot of fun. I was getting hungry so I decided to head back to the truck for a snack. While walking back to the truck I notice all kinds of trucks showing up to camp and fish. I didn't want to leave but figured Saturday was going to be a junk show. I decided I would do some exploring. I headed South East towards the Owyhee River. To be continued...
Green River Fishing Update
We spent a couple of days on the Green River in Wyoming this week. I love that place. We started with a full day float and then realized its better to wade. So we floated to the good zones and got off the boats then caught some hogs. It was well worth the trip. The hot flies were Platte River Spiders and Red or Orange Zebra Midges. We caught Rainbows, Browns, Cutts of course White fish and a random Lake Trout. I would suggest you make the trip. Fish On!
Temporarily Unemployed Fishermen
I figure you can see that the Brighton Anglers have some spare time on their hands. With multiple blog posts of different crews hitting up separate rivers in the same day it looks like we don't have jobs. Its kind of true. With the ski season winding down and the resorts closing we all have a little R&R to catch up on. We of course chose to do it with fly rods in our hands. Here's some photos from a fly fishing trip to the Weber River the other day. Caught on to a nice little caddis hatch that got the fish all excited. Supper fun afternoon. Enjoy!