Utah Fly Fishing

Letters From The Vice: Indications You Might Have a Fly Fishing "Addiction"

You have to admit we all have a small fly fishing “addiction”. That is why you are reading this blog post. One way or another fly fishing effects our thought process, actions and or rationale in funny ways for better or worse. Here are a few more indicators you might have a fly fishing “addiction”.

Why I don't keep fish

Last week we were fishing and Bryan hooked in to this 21" lunker of a Brown. What a amazing fish. We all were stoked for Bry. We took a few pics and then let the fish get back to its business. Then two days later I was fishing the exact same hole fishing a similar fly and technique as Bryan. I hooked into a fish and after getting it in the net we were looking the fish over and noticed it had the exact same scares as the fish Bryan had caught. I always look at fish with scares and feel bad. This time I was kind of stoked because we knew this guy. This is a great example of why I don't keep fish. I like to let them go to get bigger and give other anglers the opportunity to catch the same fish. Catch And Release

Help to Keep Public Waters Accessible- Support USAC

These guys have been fighting to keep our Utah waters open for everyone. Please take the time to learn more about their cause and show them your support at  http://utahstreamaccess.org [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9BDOhAyE6s]

Hidden Gem!

I was on my way to Southern Utah to meet up with some friends and family for a weekend of camping, fishing, dirtbiking and all other sorts of good times that can be had in the outdoors. I decided to take the long way there and I rolled up on this stream. I couldn't resist from throwing a fly at it. My first cast was no more then 50 feet from the car I had already hooked a fish. After releasing that fish I walked up stream 10 feet and took another few casts and again fish on. I pulled in the second fish fish of the day and with amazement of the size and beauty I quickly released the fish and  then ran back to the car grabbed my GoPro. I set it up on a timed delay at the next hole and again another fish. I caught a few more fish and then decided I better get on my way. I couldn't be happier about exploring and being willing to take the long route. It payed off huge catching some rad fish and getting to learn about a stream I have never seen. Few pics from Jared's drive to Antimony Utah

Northern Pike Addiction

This spring a handful of the Brighton Anglers had the chance to catch another species of fish on a fly rod. Northern Pike!  Kind of crazy we live so close to Pike water and how easy it is to fish for them. We all took plenty of time to learn about their habits and when the beast time to fish for them is. We all studied a bit about when they spawn, what water temps are best for fishing, how to fish for them, what  flies to use and what depths to fish at. In a whole it has been an exciting and addictive new way to fish. By far we are not experts but all of us our having fun and are hooked on trying to land a monster. Here's a few pics of our first couple of trips out. ross fumble Pike Teeth Pike Tale Luke Pike The flies Jared Fish On Christmonkey Christmonkey Christmonkey Christmonkey christmonkey Christmonkey Underwater Ross first pike Fish On Hyde Bass Boats Duckling Bryan H First Pike

Weekend Fishing Update

We have been hitting up the Provo River a bit lately. Its been cold but fish are staying active. We've found success in the morning on little brown and green streamers. Then as the day goes on we move to fishing the top water with little black midges and bwo flies. The Blue Wing hatch isn't here quiet yet but any day now. I would suggest running a peasant tail nymph as a point fly under your dry and you may increase your numbers. Have fun and take the time to look around you might see some wild life. Brown Trout



Furry Thing



Trav and the chubs

The Take

Fish On!

Luke Cleaning up the forest


Cold Weekend On The Green River

Luke, Travis, Terry and I all woke up early Saturday and rallied through the snow to Dutch John. It was wild showing up to Little Hole with 4" of snow all over with no other person in sight. We scored! The sun was out and fish were slurping on midges. It didn't take us to long to hook in to our first fish. Travis the cast master was the man over the weekend. He had the flies, the presentation and skills to catch the most fish. It was a unique trip. Staying at the Flaming Gorge Resort and being the only crew in town. The storm must have keep all other fisher men in their warm beds for the weekend. It was cold out there but well worth it. We all had fun and were stoked we went. Here's some photos of our adventure and some wildlife we saw along the way.

Bryan's December Fatty's

Its been a while since we have thrown up some pics. With the winter coming it sucks to say we have been busy at the resort getting prepared for the winter season. Most of the Brighton anglers have been working and snowboarding more then fishing. But Bryan has stayed committed to fishing. Now that there's enough snow to start sledding I think he may cut down to only one or two days a week. Here's a few pics from Bry over the last couple weeks.


Watching The REDS Run!

We went to the East Fork Smith Fork River over the weekend and found it full of Kokanee (land locked Sockeye Salmon). They were bright red making their way up-stream to spawn. It was a rad sight to see all the fish in such skinny water. Bad thing this meant no fishing just photos and wildlife viewing. We left them alone to do their thing.







Brighton Anglers Limited T-Shirts

We linked up with the crew at FRESH to make a limited edition tee. Available in Charcoal and Military, $32. Head over to the shop to pick one up. Or you may be able to call in an and order one over the phone. FRESH is located in the heart of the 9th & 9th Business District.        870 E. 900 S. SLC, UT 84105

Mon-Sat 10am-7pm Sunday 11am-5pm         (801) 532 3458


Goat Head Sole Spikes

Last week I wrote about a near death fishing experience and how I almost drowned from slipping on a wet log and falling in to the river. After that experience I knew I needed to get me some more traction on my boot soles. I went in to Fish Tech and my friend Christian hooked me up with a pack of Goat Head Sole Spikes. I have used the cheap studs in the past but they don't last very long. Also when they wear out you can't remove them from your soles. I'm pretty stoked on the Goat Heads. They are made of cold-forged, heat-hardened, corrosion resistant stainless steel for maximum durability. I feel they may last as long as my boots. The set came with a magnetic socket and were super easy to install. I fished with them for the first time this weekend and oh what a difference. I would recommend for your safety that you go invest $20 and buy a set. They will keep you on your feet and may prevent some nasty slips. Pick up a set at www.solespikes.com