Fish Of The Day! Karma Fish
Fly Fishing With Frogs
Sean from Dead Drifters and I went North to Wyoming for a couple of days of fishing this week. Thinking we would be throwing hoppers. We were wrong! To our surprise there were more frogs jumping around then hoppers. Luckily Sean had a couple bright green meaty streamers that looked kind of like a frogs. With only a few casts to the far bank and strips across the river the first fish was on. We worked the water pretty quick and searched out the fish that would take our frogs. We both hooked in to some hogs and both lost some monsters. The rainbow trout love the frogs.
Weekend On The Green River
It's been a while since Nicole and I went on a camping/fishing trip just the two of us. We only had a couple days and wanted to make sure we got to spend it with each other. We decided to grab the pontoon boats and head to the Green River below Fontenelle in Wyoming. We floated the river on Saturday and then waded the River on Sunday. We had great success and both of us really enjoyed ourselves. The Flies we had the best luck with were Platte River Spiders and SOS Nymphs. Here's a few photos to show you our mini vacation. Enjoy!
The Campsite
The Sunset From The First Night
The First Fish Of The Trip
Nicoles First Fish Of The Trip
The Sunrise
Nicole Taking A Break From Fishing
The Last Fish Of The Trip.